The parallel story of Capybarigo Montoya,…

The parallel story of Capybarigo Montoya,…

The parallel story of Capybarigo Montoya, the capybara blinded by revenge. As written by Bing.

Capybarigo Montoya was a young capybara who lived happily with his father, a famous swordsmith, in the land of Rodentia. One day, a mysterious man with six fingers on his right hand came to their shop and demanded a special sword. Capybarigo's father refused to sell it, saying it was his masterpiece and he would only give it to his son. The six-fingered man then killed Capybarigo's father in cold blood and took the sword.

Capybarigo swore revenge and spent the next twenty years training to become the best swordsman in the world. He traveled across many lands, looking for the six-fingered man, but he could never find him. He became a hired mercenary, taking on dangerous missions for money and fame. He also befriended a giant rat named Fezzik and a witty weasel named Inigo, who joined him in his adventures.

One day, he heard that the six-fingered man was working as the right-hand man of Prince Humperdinck, the ruler of Rodentia. He also learned that the prince was planning to marry a beautiful capybara named Buttercup, who was actually the true love of Capybarigo's childhood friend, Westley. Capybarigo decided to kidnap Buttercup and use her as bait to lure the six-fingered man into a duel. He disguised himself as a masked pirate and, with the help of Fezzik and Inigo, he managed to snatch Buttercup from the prince's guards.

However, he soon realized that Buttercup was not a helpless damsel, but a brave and clever capybara who could fight for herself. He also discovered that Westley was still alive and had followed him as the Dread Pirate Roberts, a legendary pirate who had been terrorizing the seas for years. Capybarigo felt a pang of guilt for separating the lovers, but he was determined to avenge his father. He decided to face Westley in a sword fight, hoping to defeat him and keep Buttercup as his hostage.

The two capybaras engaged in a fierce and skillful battle, exchanging witty remarks and compliments. Capybarigo was impressed by Westley's swordsmanship, but he was confident that he had the upper hand. He used his agility and speed to gain an advantage, and he managed to disarm Westley. He pointed his sword at Westley's chest and prepared to deliver the final blow. But before he could do it, he heard Westley say something that made him freeze.

"Please, spare me. I need to save Buttercup. She is the love of my life."

Capybarigo felt a surge of empathy and compassion. He remembered his own love for his father, and how he had dedicated his life to avenging him. He realized that he had become obsessed with revenge, and that he had forgotten the true meaning of life. He lowered his sword and looked at Westley with a new respect.

"Who are you?" he asked.

Westley removed his mask and revealed his face. Capybarigo gasped. He recognized him as his childhood friend, the one who had taught him how to use a sword and how to love. He felt a mix of emotions: joy, sadness, anger, and relief.

"I am Westley, the Dread Pirate Roberts. And you are Capybarigo Montoya, my old friend."

Capybarigo nodded. He felt tears in his eyes. He hugged Westley and apologized for his actions.

"I'm sorry, Westley. I didn't know it was you. I was blinded by revenge. Please, forgive me."

Westley smiled and forgave him. He told him that he understood his pain, and that he was proud of him for becoming such a great swordsman. He also told him that he still had a chance to fulfill his quest, and that he would help him.

"Come, Capybarigo. Let's go find the six-fingered man. He is in the castle, waiting for us. I will help you defeat him and avenge your father. And then, you will help me rescue Buttercup and marry her. What do you say?"

Capybarigo agreed. He felt a new hope and a new purpose. He thanked Westley and followed him to the castle. Along the way, they met Fezzik and Inigo, who had also escaped from the prince's guards. They joined forces and stormed the castle, fighting their way through the enemies. They reached the six-fingered man's chamber, where he was hiding behind a locked door. Capybarigo kicked the door open and confronted him.

"Hello. My name is Capybarigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

#ai #capybara #princessbride #capybarigomontoya #preparetodie

Girino Vey!
Bitcoin holder since 2013, software developer and political nihilist.
